Artani Dazkar

Artani is a kind, if somewhat emotionally stunted Xaela with a bit of a sarcastic streak. She comes off as somewhat aloof and serious at first, but is ultimately a cool-headed person who's pretty protective of those who've earned her trust. She likes being well-prepared for any situation if she can manage it, even to the point of having multiple plans ready in case one goes south.


name - Artani Dazkarage - 27
gender - cis femalerace - au ra (xaela)
nameday - 16th Sun of the 2nd umbral moonorigin - the steppes
job - private investigator/mercreligion/diety - nhaama
current residence - kuganeorientation - pansexual (male lean)
relationship status - singleecho - none
weapon of choice - bows, daggers, gunblademeyers-briggs - ISFJ-T (Defender)
temperament - cholericalignment - chaotic good
voice claim - laura baileyIC CLASSES - BRD, GNB, NIN


father nergui (deceased)
mother bora (deceased)
siblings chanai (sister, age 27), ogul (brother, age 30)


height: 5'3''
weight: 127lbs


artani's face is heart-shaped with high cheekbones bordered by smooth black scales. Her horns curve outwards, and are rarely seen without a silver ring on each. her almond-shaped eyes are mismatched - the left being a rich amber and the right a light, glassy gray color. her deep red hair is straight and thick and comes down to the base of her tail when left loose. She's surprisingly vain about her hair and likes tying it up or braiding it up out of the way in different styles.


Tani sports a slim but athletic build with narrow shoulders and a long torso. her alabaster-toned skin is covered in winding patterns of well kept black scales and multiple scars, both large and small. being smaller, she fights with speed and evasion in mind as she is likely to have difficulty going toe to toe with larger opponents. at the same time, she has plenty of fighting experience and can resort to traps or trickery if necessary.


She prefers clothing she can easily move in and tends to gravitate towards light leathers and cloth for armor. dark colors are preferred over anything gaudy, but she'll occasionally wear something bright as an accent. everything she wears has to have some sort of hidden compartment for knives or other tools - just in case.


  • She comes off as very serious, stoic, and controlled at first - almost to the point of seeming aloof. Once she's more familiar with a group or an individual, she'll become a little more open and laid back.

  • She has a knack for keeping a cool head during most situations and tends to become a mediator between friends and coworkers.

  • Highly emotional and compassionate to a fault, but has difficulties actually displaying any sort of vulnerability, even to people she's close to out of not wanting to be a burden....and generally doesn't wish to be seen as "weak".

  • Get to know her long enough, and you'll find that she has a very protective and almost motherly side, going out of her way to make sure her friends, family are safe and cared for.

  • Dry humored to a fault and tends to fall upon sarcasm to hide any discomfort surrounding difficult or confusing situations.

  • Artani has a tendency to view the world around her as a field to be analyzed and navigated through, and it takes a bit of effort on her part to learn to relax and not always be at the ready.

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
analytical, level-headed, empathetic, quick thinker, pragmatic, organized, agreeable, protectivecontrolling, perfectionist, skeptical, blunt, aloof
Animals, training, cooking, food, light research, hot teaCold weather, small talk, Ul'dah, being uninformed, being caught without a plan, losing a loved one, having control taken from her, being trapped in small spaces

rp hooks

criminal underworld/investigation
While not necessarily a career criminal herself, Artani prefers to take jobs that can be considered morally grey, or at least jobs that don't necessarily abide by the law. This includes spy work, private investigations, information gathering, assassinations, and basically anything you can think of that involves sneaking around. She's been involved in the black market, along with the procurement of magical or exotic artifacts. If your character's part of any of that, feel free to throw me ideas!

au ra tribe/steppes
She's from the Steppes, and regularly visits them despite living mostly in Kugane nowadays. She'd likely be familiar with many people there, especially from the Dazkar tribe. It's worth noting that she has been away from the tribes for some time, so there are a few of her people she might not remember.

notable details


  • She tends to analyze people and locations out of reflex making sure she remembers specific details about who she's talking to, who's around her, and all available exits. If she's meeting you for the first time, she's probably constructing a mental dossier.

  • Has a competitive streak, surprisingly. She doesn't grandstand or overly boast, but she will engage in a little casual trash talk depending on the activity.

  • Has a soft spot for birds, including chocobo.

  • At all times, Artani tries to keep a cool head - but may express subtle signs of agitation if something's truly getting to her. Twitching her tail, flexing her fingers repeatedly, and becoming stiff and tense are the usual indicators that something isn't sitting well with her.

  • Can actually sing well, though her experience is limited to Xaelic tribal songs as well as some Hingan ones. You'll probably never hear it unless you sneak up on her, though.

  • Doesn't often opt for the intimidation displays typical of Xaela.....unless you're a fellow Xaela, or she's genuinely pissed. If either of those criteria are met, you get low growls, bared teeth, and generally a slightly fiercer version of the no-nonsense woman you might be used to.

  • She prefers an emotional connection between any prospective partners before any sexual activity can occur.

  • Has a bad habit of denying assistance even if she needs it out of reflex. Partly out of pride, partly out of not wanting to be a burden.


  • Losing people is a fear she keeps buried pretty deeply - though it manifests in overprotectiveness of her friends and loved ones. It's more than certainly due to her parents being killed and her siblings captured as a child.

  • She isn't comfortable at all with any kind of loss of control, especially of her own mind. Mind controlling her or using magic to confuse her/disable her is probably the quickest you'll ever see her roused to anger. It terrifies her, and she hates being made to feel afraid.


  • Tends to overtrain when feeling stressed. She'll drive herself to exhaustion if she isn't paying attention to how hard she's going.


weapon proficiencies
Bow and arrowsDual bladesGunblade
tools and enhancements
Custom arrow tips for situational use, including but not limited to: barbed arrows, nonlethal bolts, poisoned tipsNonlethal rounds for her gunbladeSmoke bombs, sleep bombs, EMP-like mini grenadesTiny knives hidden on her person in various places